RESOURCES Metropolitan Library Policy Statements Topics - Any -Gender mainstreaming Category - Any -Partner publicationMetropolis publicationVoice of the mayorsMember publication Apply Governing Complex Emergencies at the Local Level Redefining metropolitan governance in the 21st century Bridging the digital divide: Strategies for inclusive digitalization in metropolises Metropolises for Women and Girls European Metropolitan Report Final audit and annual accounts 2022EN ES FR Democracia local en situaciones de emergencias complejasES La démocratie locale en situations d'urgences complexesFR Rules of Procedure 2023EN ES FR Statutes 2023EN ES FR Progress report January - April 2023EN Local Democracies During Complex Emergencies The air we share: metropolitan strategies for clean air · Issue Paper #13 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN Annual Report 2022EN FR ES Civitas Novus - Urban innovation assessment (draft zero report)EN Monitoring internationalisation strategies in cities and metropolitan areas Participatory Governance in Local Care Programs: Lessons from Bogotá and ChicagoEN Progress report May-August 2022EN Policy Brief - Gender-Based Data and Policy Action Fostering Citizen Engagement with Digital Strategies Policy Brief: Data for Emergency Management How do children imagine the future of their metropolises? Inspiring ideas for policy-makersEN Policy Brief: Data gathering as a transformative process for the common goodEN Social resilience Economic resilience Resilient city Climate resilience Mobile telecommunication big-data, infectious disease simulations, and epidemiological strategies: Seoul's experience MBD and Infectious Disease Simulation Mapping Toronto's Digital DivideMapping Toronto's Digital Divide Towards a Digital Equity Policy for the City of Toronto Toronto SDG Digital Inclusion FrameworkSDG Digital Inclusion Framework Cities on the edge: Bogotá Call to ActionEN ES FR Policy Brief #06: Democracy and representation for emergency actionEN ES FR Pan-American Metropolitan ReportES Metropolitan policies to foster digital inclusion Public innovation and citizen co-creation in the metropolisES FR Financial Report 2020 Public space strategies for a sustainable metropolitan future: A collection of best practices Annual Report 2021EN ES FR CH Urban Innovation and the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda Analytics Note #05 - Local Public Services and Sustainable Development: Shifts in Priorities due to COVID-19EN ES FR Five metropolitan approaches to international actionEN ES Policy Brief #05: Local Public Services in Crisis Mode: Adapting Governance Models to Exceptional TimesEN ES FR The deployment of the 5G technology on metropolitan scalesEN ES Revista Trabajos de Investigación en Paradiplomacia TIP 10 AÑOS Rethinking public space for a sustainable metropolitan futureEN Analytics Note #04 - Multilevel governance and COVID-19 emergency coordinationEN ES FR Mapping metropolitan gender policies - Latin America Mapping metropolitan gender policies - Asia Mapping metropolitan gender policies - North America Mapping metropolitan gender policies - Europe Mapping metropolitan gender policies - Africa Safety and Public Space: Mapping Metropolitan Gender Policies. Phase IIEN ES Asian Metropolitan Report World Metropolitan Day 2021 Nature in and across cities: metropolitan approaches for biodiversity conservationEN ES FR Policy Brief #04: Multilevel Emergency Governance: Enabling Adaptive and Agile ResponsesEN ES FR Revitalization through urban designEN FR Urban Innovation Interim Report New Normal New Taipei Urban Innovation Trends - A Global Report Three-year report: SummaryEN ES FR Main figures 2018-2020EN ES FR Guangzhou Award - Report on local implementation of the SDGs Metrotalks: Enabling healthy urban planning Integrating health in urban and territorial planningEN ES Annual Report 2020EN ES FR Gender Impact Assessment Vivienda adecuada y ODS en el municipio de La Paz Policy and planning tools for urban green justice Bringing nature back to the metropolis for all · Issue Paper #12 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Optimising the development and benefits of green infrastructureEN ES FR Mashhad Charter of Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Ensuring the commons in fragile contexts Sub-National Urban Policy: A Guide Voluntary Local Review Guangzhou When & Where 2021 Policy Brief #03: Financing Emergencies in Cities and Regions: Ongoing Lessons from the Pandemic Progress Report April - June 2020EN Public innovation to transform the government with peopleEN ES Analytics Note #03 - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subnational financesEN ES FR MetroTalk #3 Inclusive urban planning Right to metropolitan city in the framework of the NUA and the 2030 AgendaEN ES Metropolitan development practices and policies: a critical lookEN ES Models of metropolitan governanceEN ES MetroTalk #2 Developing sustainable metropolitan mobility Cities change the world Montevideo-Informe-Local-Voluntario-2020 Principles for Better Cities COVID-19 vs gender violenceEN ES FR MetroTalk #1 Rethinking Public Spaces Policy Brief #02: Towards a Concept and Framework for Governing Complex EmergenciesEN ES FR Gender Mainstreaming Strategy ESPON METRO – The role and future perspectives of Cohesion Policy in the planning of Metropolitan Areas and Cities Governance Assessment Framework for Metropolitan Territorial and Regional Management Violence in the metropolis: responses to a global issue · Issue Paper #11 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Brasilia and the 2030 agenda: Sustainable Development in Times of Covid-19 Conducting City Diplomacy Empowering Cities for the Development of Sustainable Food System Policies Securing Affordable Housing Delivery in Cities Youth Empowerment for Prosperous and Inclusive Cities Urban inclusiveness, safety nets and social compacts in the time of a pandemic Removing Barriers to Mainstreaming Gender Equality Inclusive Creative Economy and The Future of Work Policy Brief #01: Emergency Governance for Cities and RegionsEN ES FR Analytics Note #02 - The COVID-19 response: governance challenges and innovations by cities and regionsEN ES FR Cities on the Frontline: Managing the Coronavirus crisisEN Intersecciones. Diversidad sexual y de género e interseccionalidadES Global State of Metropolis 2020 - Population Data BookletEN ES When & Where 2020 - 2nd semester Analytics Note #01 - COVID-19 monitors of relevance to urban and regional governanceEN ES FR Gender Keys 4: Mobility and genderEN ES Rights and claims for metropolitan mobility · Issue Paper #10 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Global Openness & Inclusive InnovationEN The GOLD V Thematic Report on Metropolitan AreasEN ES Gender Impact Assessment 2019EN International strategies in Metropolitan Areas Glossary. A tool for the use of gender-inclusive language Gender Keys 3: Metropolitan Governance and Gender EqualityEN ES FR City Managers Days 2019 - The digitalization process of metropolitan spacesEN The internationalisation of metropolitan spaces · Issue Paper #09 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Gender Keys 2: Women and girls in public spacesEN ES FR The digital transformation of metropolises · Issue Paper #08 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR The Localization of the Global agenda African Metropolitan ReportEN FR Guide to incorporate Intersectionality in gender and sexual diversity policiesEN ES World Metropolitan Day - Report 2019 The story of Shenzhen Voluntary Local Review - Taipei City Metropolis in Motion. Towards a Sustainable Urban Mobility PlanEN ES Gender Keys 1: Do metropolises have a gender?EN ES FR Metropolis Surplus Food Agenda ODS para el municipio de La Paz Condiciones de Vida del Adulto Mayor en el municipio de La Paz MEGA-Metropolis-Energy-Governance Buenos Aires Voluntary Local Review 2019EN Towards the Localization of the SDGs - Local and Regional Governments' Report to the 2019 HLPFEN Film in São Paulo Affordable Housing: Profiles of Five Metropolitan CitiesEN ES FR World Observatory on Local Government Finance and Investment (WOFI) - 2019 ReportEN European Pillar of Social Rights - The role of metropolitan areas in social issuesEN FR Gender Impact Assessment 2018 Mobility as a ServiceEN Solutions for and by citiesEN ES FR Conceiving, Producing and Managing Neighbourhoods: Comparing Urban Upgrading Initiatives in Johannesburg Rethinking the ecosystem of international city networksEN ES MetroAirports Gentrification and impoverishment in the metropolis · Issue Paper #07 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Metroairports programme Social Cohesion in Gauteng Safety and public space: Mapping metropolitan gender policiesEN ES Age Friendly Strategy - Greater ManchesterEN Climate and Energy Plan 2030EN Summaries of 45 City Initiatives from the 2018 Guangzhou International Award for Urban InnovationEN Guangzhou Award 2018EN Financing metropolitan public policies and services · Issue paper #6 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Quality of Life IV Survey (2015/16): City Benchmarking Report Mapping Metropolitan gender PoliciesEN Blockchain, A tool for metropolitan governance? Issue paper #5 - Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Egalitarian metropolitan spaces · Issue paper #4 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Addressing the metropolitan challenge - ApendixEN Metropolitan Day 2018 - Final ReportEN ES Addressing the metropolitan challenge in Barcelona Metropolitan AreaEN Seoul Urban PlanningEN Seoul e-GovernmentEN Seoul Metropolitan Rapid TransitEN Seoul EnvironmnentEN Seoul Tap Water ArisuEN Public TransportationEN Seoul Public Housing & ArchitectureEN Developing transport infraestructure in SeoulEN Notas Técnicas - Movilidad Progress Report January - March 2018EN ES FR Sustainable Airport AreasEN FR Citizens Shaping SeoulEN Compromiso Para Una Agenda De Ciudades De Convivencia Y Paz What does your ideal city look like? Progress Report October - December 2017EN ES FR MetroTalks: Rethinking public spaces The Metropolitan scale of resilience · Issue paper #3EN ES FR Steering the MetropolisEN Progress Report July - September 2017EN ES FR Gender differences travel patterns La Diplomatie Urbaine au Service de la Collectivité Montréalaise et du MondeFR Metropolis WomenEN ES FR Projets Urbains MontréalEN ES FR The Seoul Institute Research abstracts 2016EN Activity Report April - June 2017EN ES FR Metropolises addressing the global agendas · Issue Paper #2 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Un lugar en la mesa globalES Activity Report January - March 2017EN ES BRICS Cities 2016EN The Seoul Institute Annual Research Digest 2017 Lyon´s International Action Lyon Key Figures 2017 The Greater Manchester Internationalisation Strategy 2017-2020 El Agua y las CiudadesES SAA Rapport Atelier Atlanta 2016FR Metropolitan trends in the world · Issue Paper #1 · Metropolis ObservatoryEN ES FR Prep City ReportEN Climate Metropole Final ReportEN GOLD IV Co-Creating the urban futureEN ES FR GOLD IV Co-Creating the urban future. Executive SummaryEN ES FR metropolis diptico 2016ES FR EN Eight key messages to promote sustainable mobility from a gender perspective in our metropolisesEN ES FR building inclusive and safer cities for women_final reportEN Sustainable Airport Areas · 2nd Workshop Report · 2016EN Presentation · Passenger oriented bus services · Hong KongEN Presentation · Passenger oriented bus services · Hong KongEN Presentation · Traffic development · GuangzhouEN Presentation · Traffic development · GuangzhouEN Presentation · Bus Rationalization · Hong KongEN Presentation · Bus Rationalization · Hong KongEN Presentation · Guangzhou_towards-sustainable-metropolitan-transportationEN Presentation · Guangzhou_towards-sustainable-metropolitan-transportationEN Lyon Economic Development Programme 2016-2021 Roadmap for localizing the SDGEN The city we need_engEN ES FR 2016 world cities report UN HABITATEN Publication of roundtable on SDGs and urban innovationEN Partenariats public-privés pour une gestion SMART des villesFR Case Study Metropolitan Governance Guadalajar, MexicoEN 2015 Guangzhou Award BrochureEN Guangzhou Institute for Urban Innovation BrochureEN Urban Innovation | Issue 2015EN Plano de Ação da Macrometrópole Paulista 2013 :: 2040PT Case Study Metropolitan Governance Ethekwini (Durban), South AfricaES Unpacking Metropolitan Governance for Sustainable DevelopmentEN Unpacking Metropolitan Governance for Sustainable DevelopmentEN "Metròpolis Barcelona" Vol. 2 "Transformaciones metropolitanas" / "Metropolitan transformations"EN Atlas Metropolis "Cartografías contemporáneas"EN Catálogo "Metròpolis Barcelona" Vol. 1 "El urbanismo metropolitano hoy"EN Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice by Prof. Paul JamesEN Caracas · Sin gobernabilidad no hay desarrollo sostenibleES Rabat · Ville-lumiere et capitale culturelleFR Montréal · Définir le «Vivre ensemble»FR Nouakchott · Le développement durable comme seul horizon possibleFR Paris · La construction de la politique culturelle de Paris : une démarche participative et volontaristeFR State of São Paulo · Importance of the metropolitan agenda for sustainable urban developmentEN ES Bruxelles · Une ville qui allie respect et diversitéFR Barcelona · Una Smart City al servicio de las personasES Barcelona · La ciudad de las personasES Guangzhou · An Innovation-driven CityEN FR ES Valle de Aburrá - Regional Context Taking Charge of our Health and Social Care - Greater Manchester Notas Técnicas - Reducir Homicidios ES Istanbul · Urban transformationEN Ciudad de México · Combatiendo el sobrepeso y la obesidadES Johannesburg · Building cities that careEN Rosario · Movilidad urbanaES Guarulhos · El saneamiento básico es prioridad en BrasilES Mashhad · Youth participation and engagementEN Chengdu · Practices in integrated urban-rural developmentEN Comparative Study on Metropolitan GovernanceEN Brussels · The school for more equal opportunitites and inclusionEN Buenos Aires · La ciudad verde y modernaES Barcelona · El establecimiento del Área MetropolitanaES Rosario · Un puente entre el pasado y el futuroES The Barcelona Metropolitan Area in the European urban systemEN 2014 OECD Metropolitan Governance SurveyEN Brussels · Community Land Trusts EN FR Mentoring on Upgrading Informal Settlements EN Berlin · A great place to liveEN Mexico City · The relationship between the National Government and the City GovernmentEN FR ES Johannesburg Final Report_Caring Cities EN MegaciudadesEN ES FR Ecological Region EN ES FR Metropoles FactFileEN Managing Urban GrowthEN ES FR Integrated Urban GovernanceEN ES FR MegacitiesEN ES FR Partnership for Urban InnovationEN FR ES Metropolis Women International NetworkEN ES FR Metropolitan Regions | Working PapersEN Commission Report: Connecting CitiesEN ES FR Dynamic Cities Need Women - Actions and Policies for Gender EqualityEN ES FR Standing Commission ReportEN Organización y funciones de las metrópolisES The impact of major events on the development of large citiesEN ES FR Urban poverty reduction strategiesEN ES FR Enhancing and maintaining water quality for metropolisesEN ES FR The Information Society and the CityEN ES FR Report Commission 1 on Airports 1997-1999EN ES FR Live the city report Metropolis Annual Meeting 2015EN ES "Live the City": 2015 Metropolis Annual Meeting ReportEN Île de France · The First European MetropolisEN Seoul · People are the hopeEN Metropolises for Women and GirlsEuropean Metropolitan ReportFostering Citizen Engagement with Digital StrategiesPolicy Brief: Data gathering as a transformative process for the common goodPolicy Brief #06: Democracy and representation for emergency actionPublic innovation and citizen co-creation in the metropolisPublic space strategies for a sustainable metropolitan future: A collection of best practicesAnalytics Note #05 - Local Public Services and Sustainable Development: Shifts in Priorities due to COVID-19Five metropolitan approaches to international actionPolicy Brief #05: Local Public Services in Crisis Mode: Adapting Governance Models to Exceptional TimesThe deployment of the 5G technology on metropolitan scalesRethinking public space for a sustainable metropolitan futureAnalytics Note #04 - Multilevel governance and COVID-19 emergency coordinationMapping metropolitan gender policies - Latin AmericaMapping metropolitan gender policies - AsiaMapping metropolitan gender policies - North AmericaMapping metropolitan gender policies - EuropeMapping metropolitan gender policies - AfricaSafety and Public Space: Mapping Metropolitan Gender Policies. Phase IIAsian Metropolitan ReportNature in and across cities: metropolitan approaches for biodiversity conservationPolicy Brief #04: Multilevel Emergency Governance: Enabling Adaptive and Agile ResponsesRevitalization through urban designMetrotalks: Enabling healthy urban planningGender Impact AssessmentOptimising the development and benefits of green infrastructureEnsuring the commons in fragile contextsWhen & Where 2021Policy Brief #03: Financing Emergencies in Cities and Regions: Ongoing Lessons from the PandemicAnalytics Note #03 - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subnational financesMetroTalk #3 Inclusive urban planningMetropolitan development practices and policies: a critical lookModels of metropolitan governanceRight to metropolitan city in the framework of the NUA and the 2030 Agenda MetroTalk #2 Developing sustainable metropolitan mobilityPrinciples for Better CitiesCOVID-19 vs gender violenceMetroTalk #1 Rethinking Public SpacesGender Mainstreaming StrategyPolicy Brief #02: Towards a Concept and Framework for Governing Complex EmergenciesPolicy Brief #01: Emergency Governance for Cities and RegionsAnalytics Note #02 - The COVID-19 response: governance challenges and innovations by cities and regionsWhen & Where 2020 - 2nd semesterAnalytics Note #01 - COVID-19 monitors of relevance to urban and regional governanceGender Keys 4: Mobility and genderThe GOLD V Thematic Report on Metropolitan AreasGender Impact Assessment 2019Glossary. A tool for the use of gender-inclusive languageGender Keys 3: Metropolitan Governance and Gender EqualityCity Managers Days 2019 - The digitalization process of metropolitan spacesGender Keys 2: Women and girls in public spacesAfrican Metropolitan ReportGuide to incorporate Intersectionality in gender and sexual diversity policiesWorld Metropolitan Day - Report 2019Metropolis in Motion. Towards a Sustainable Urban Mobility PlanGender Keys 1: Do metropolises have a gender?Metropolis Surplus FoodMEGA-Metropolis-Energy-GovernanceAffordable Housing: Profiles of Five Metropolitan CitiesGender Impact Assessment 2018Solutions for and by citiesMetroAirportsSafety and public space: Mapping metropolitan gender policiesMapping Metropolitan gender PoliciesMetropolitan Day 2018 - Final ReportSustainable Airport AreasPrep City ReportClimate Metropole Final ReportComparative Study on Metropolitan GovernanceMentoring on Upgrading Informal Settlements MegaciudadesEcological Region Managing Urban GrowthIntegrated Urban GovernancePartnership for Urban InnovationMetropolis Women International NetworkCommission Report: Connecting CitiesDynamic Cities Need Women - Actions and Policies for Gender EqualityOrganización y funciones de las metrópolisStanding Commission ReportThe impact of major events on the development of large citiesUrban poverty reduction strategiesEnhancing and maintaining water quality for metropolisesThe Information Society and the CityPreviousNext Metropolises for Women and GirlsEuropean Metropolitan ReportFostering Citizen Engagement with Digital StrategiesENPolicy Brief: Data gathering as a transformative process for the common goodENESFRPolicy Brief #06: Democracy and representation for emergency actionESFRPublic innovation and citizen co-creation in the metropolisPublic space strategies for a sustainable metropolitan future: A collection of best practicesENESFRAnalytics Note #05 - Local Public Services and Sustainable Development: Shifts in Priorities due to COVID-19ENESFive metropolitan approaches to international actionENESFRPolicy Brief #05: Local Public Services in Crisis Mode: Adapting Governance Models to Exceptional TimesENESThe deployment of the 5G technology on metropolitan scalesENRethinking public space for a sustainable metropolitan futureENESFRAnalytics Note #04 - Multilevel governance and COVID-19 emergency coordinationMapping metropolitan gender policies - EuropeMapping metropolitan gender policies - AfricaMapping metropolitan gender policies - Latin AmericaMapping metropolitan gender policies - AsiaMapping metropolitan gender policies - North AmericaENESSafety and Public Space: Mapping Metropolitan Gender Policies. Phase IIAsian Metropolitan ReportENESFRNature in and across cities: metropolitan approaches for biodiversity conservationENESFRPolicy Brief #04: Multilevel Emergency Governance: Enabling Adaptive and Agile ResponsesENFRRevitalization through urban designMetrotalks: Enabling healthy urban planningGender Impact AssessmentENESFROptimising the development and benefits of green infrastructureEnsuring the commons in fragile contextsWhen & Where 2021Policy Brief #03: Financing Emergencies in Cities and Regions: Ongoing Lessons from the PandemicENESFRAnalytics Note #03 - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subnational financesMetroTalk #3 Inclusive urban planningENESModels of metropolitan governanceENESRight to metropolitan city in the framework of the NUA and the 2030 AgendaENESMetropolitan development practices and policies: a critical look MetroTalk #2 Developing sustainable metropolitan mobilityPrinciples for Better CitiesENESFRCOVID-19 vs gender violenceMetroTalk #1 Rethinking Public SpacesENESFRPolicy Brief #02: Towards a Concept and Framework for Governing Complex EmergenciesGender Mainstreaming StrategyENESFRPolicy Brief #01: Emergency Governance for Cities and RegionsENESFRAnalytics Note #02 - The COVID-19 response: governance challenges and innovations by cities and regionsWhen & Where 2020 - 2nd semesterENESFRAnalytics Note #01 - COVID-19 monitors of relevance to urban and regional governanceENESGender Keys 4: Mobility and genderENESThe GOLD V Thematic Report on Metropolitan AreasENGender Impact Assessment 2019Glossary. A tool for the use of gender-inclusive languageENESFRGender Keys 3: Metropolitan Governance and Gender EqualityENCity Managers Days 2019 - The digitalization process of metropolitan spacesENESFRGender Keys 2: Women and girls in public spacesENFRAfrican Metropolitan ReportENESGuide to incorporate Intersectionality in gender and sexual diversity policiesWorld Metropolitan Day - Report 2019ENESMetropolis in Motion. Towards a Sustainable Urban Mobility PlanENESFRGender Keys 1: Do metropolises have a gender?Metropolis Surplus FoodMEGA-Metropolis-Energy-GovernanceENESFRAffordable Housing: Profiles of Five Metropolitan CitiesGender Impact Assessment 2018ENESFRSolutions for and by citiesMetroAirportsENESSafety and public space: Mapping metropolitan gender policiesENMapping Metropolitan gender PoliciesENESMetropolitan Day 2018 - Final ReportENFRSustainable Airport AreasENPrep City ReportENClimate Metropole Final ReportENComparative Study on Metropolitan GovernanceENMentoring on Upgrading Informal Settlements ENESFRMegaciudadesENESFREcological Region ENESFRManaging Urban GrowthENESFRIntegrated Urban GovernanceENFRESPartnership for Urban InnovationENESFRMetropolis Women International NetworkENESFRCommission Report: Connecting CitiesENESFRDynamic Cities Need Women - Actions and Policies for Gender EqualityENStanding Commission ReportESOrganización y funciones de las metrópolisENESFRThe impact of major events on the development of large citiesENESFRUrban poverty reduction strategiesENESFREnhancing and maintaining water quality for metropolisesENESFRThe Information Society and the CityPreviousNext issue papers Bringing nature back to the metropolis for all · Issue Paper #12 · Metropolis ObservatoryViolence in the metropolis: responses to a global issue · Issue Paper #11 · Metropolis ObservatoryRights and claims for metropolitan mobility · Issue Paper #10 · Metropolis ObservatoryThe internationalisation of metropolitan spaces · Issue Paper #09 · Metropolis ObservatoryThe digital transformation of metropolises · Issue Paper #08 · Metropolis ObservatoryGentrification and impoverishment in the metropolis · Issue Paper #07 · Metropolis ObservatoryFinancing metropolitan public policies and services · Issue paper #6 · Metropolis ObservatoryBlockchain, A tool for metropolitan governance? Issue paper #5 - Metropolis ObservatoryEgalitarian metropolitan spaces · Issue paper #4 · Metropolis ObservatoryThe Metropolitan scale of resilience · Issue paper #3Metropolises addressing the global agendas · Issue Paper #2 · Metropolis ObservatoryMetropolitan trends in the world · Issue Paper #1 · Metropolis ObservatoryPreviousNext Bringing nature back to the metropolis for all · Issue Paper #12 · Metropolis ObservatoryViolence in the metropolis: responses to a global issue · Issue Paper #11 · Metropolis ObservatoryRights and claims for metropolitan mobility · Issue Paper #10 · Metropolis ObservatoryThe internationalisation of metropolitan spaces · Issue Paper #09 · Metropolis ObservatoryThe digital transformation of metropolises · Issue Paper #08 · Metropolis ObservatoryGentrification and impoverishment in the metropolis · Issue Paper #07 · Metropolis ObservatoryFinancing metropolitan public policies and services · Issue paper #6 · Metropolis ObservatoryBlockchain, A tool for metropolitan governance? Issue paper #5 - Metropolis ObservatoryEgalitarian metropolitan spaces · Issue paper #4 · Metropolis ObservatoryThe Metropolitan scale of resilience · Issue paper #3Metropolises addressing the global agendas · Issue Paper #2 · Metropolis ObservatoryMetropolitan trends in the world · Issue Paper #1 · Metropolis ObservatoryPreviousNext voice of the mayors Caracas · Sin gobernabilidad no hay desarrollo sostenibleRabat · Ville-lumiere et capitale culturelleNouakchott · Le développement durable comme seul horizon possibleParis · La construction de la politique culturelle de Paris : une démarche participative et volontaristeMontréal · Définir le «Vivre ensemble»State of São Paulo · Importance of the metropolitan agenda for sustainable urban developmentBruxelles · Une ville qui allie respect et diversitéBarcelona · Una Smart City al servicio de las personasBarcelona · La ciudad de las personasGuangzhou · An Innovation-driven CityIstanbul · Urban transformationCiudad de México · Combatiendo el sobrepeso y la obesidadJohannesburg · Building cities that careGuarulhos · El saneamiento básico es prioridad en BrasilRosario · Movilidad urbanaMashhad · Youth participation and engagementChengdu · Practices in integrated urban-rural developmentBrussels · The school for more equal opportunitites and inclusionBarcelona · El establecimiento del Área MetropolitanaBuenos Aires · La ciudad verde y modernaRosario · Un puente entre el pasado y el futuroBrussels · Community Land Trusts Berlin · A great place to liveMexico City · The relationship between the National Government and the City GovernmentÎle de France · The First European MetropolisSeoul · People are the hopePreviousNext Caracas · Sin gobernabilidad no hay desarrollo sostenibleRabat · Ville-lumiere et capitale culturelleNouakchott · Le développement durable comme seul horizon possibleParis · La construction de la politique culturelle de Paris : une démarche participative et volontaristeMontréal · Définir le «Vivre ensemble»State of São Paulo · Importance of the metropolitan agenda for sustainable urban developmentBruxelles · Une ville qui allie respect et diversitéBarcelona · Una Smart City al servicio de las personasBarcelona · La ciudad de las personasGuangzhou · An Innovation-driven CityIstanbul · Urban transformationCiudad de México · Combatiendo el sobrepeso y la obesidadJohannesburg · Building cities that careGuarulhos · El saneamiento básico es prioridad en BrasilRosario · Movilidad urbanaMashhad · Youth participation and engagementChengdu · Practices in integrated urban-rural developmentBrussels · The school for more equal opportunitites and inclusionBarcelona · El establecimiento del Área MetropolitanaBuenos Aires · La ciudad verde y modernaRosario · Un puente entre el pasado y el futuroBrussels · Community Land Trusts Berlin · A great place to liveMexico City · The relationship between the National Government and the City GovernmentÎle de France · The First European MetropolisSeoul · People are the hopePreviousNext members publications viewMobile telecommunication big-data, infectious disease simulations, and epidemiological strategies: Seoul's experience viewTowards a Digital Equity Policy for the City of Toronto viewToronto SDG Digital Inclusion FrameworkviewNew Normal New TaipeiviewVivienda adecuada y ODS en el municipio de La PazviewVoluntary Local Review GuangzhouviewPublic innovation to transform the government with peopleviewMontevideo-Informe-Local-Voluntario-2020viewBrasilia and the 2030 agenda: Sustainable Development in Times of Covid-19viewIntersecciones. Diversidad sexual y de género e interseccionalidadviewThe story of ShenzhenviewVoluntary Local Review - Taipei CityviewAgenda ODS para el municipio de La PazviewCondiciones de Vida del Adulto Mayor en el municipio de La PazviewBuenos Aires Voluntary Local Review 2019viewFilm in São PauloviewConceiving, Producing and Managing Neighbourhoods: Comparing Urban Upgrading Initiatives in JohannesburgviewSocial Cohesion in GautengviewAge Friendly Strategy - Greater ManchesterviewClimate and Energy Plan 2030viewQuality of Life IV Survey (2015/16): City Benchmarking ReportviewAddressing the metropolitan challenge - ApendixviewAddressing the metropolitan challenge in Barcelona Metropolitan AreaviewSeoul e-GovernmentviewSeoul Metropolitan Rapid TransitviewPublic TransportationviewSeoul EnvironmnentviewSeoul Tap Water ArisuviewSeoul Public Housing & ArchitectureviewSeoul Urban PlanningviewDeveloping transport infraestructure in SeoulviewNotas Técnicas - MovilidadviewCitizens Shaping SeoulviewLa Diplomatie Urbaine au Service de la Collectivité Montréalaise et du MondeviewProjets Urbains MontréalviewThe Seoul Institute Annual Research Digest 2017viewThe Greater Manchester Internationalisation Strategy 2017-2020viewLyon´s International Action viewEl Agua y las CiudadesviewLyon Economic Development Programme 2016-2021viewValle de Aburrá - Regional ContextviewTaking Charge of our Health and Social Care - Greater ManchesterviewNotas Técnicas - Reducir Homicidios viewMetropoles FactFilePreviousNext Mobile telecommunication big-data, infectious disease simulations, and epidemiological strategies: Seoul's experience Towards a Digital Equity Policy for the City of Toronto Toronto SDG Digital Inclusion FrameworkNew Normal New TaipeiVivienda adecuada y ODS en el municipio de La PazVoluntary Local Review GuangzhouPublic innovation to transform the government with peopleMontevideo-Informe-Local-Voluntario-2020Brasilia and the 2030 agenda: Sustainable Development in Times of Covid-19Intersecciones. Diversidad sexual y de género e interseccionalidadThe story of ShenzhenVoluntary Local Review - Taipei CityAgenda ODS para el municipio de La PazCondiciones de Vida del Adulto Mayor en el municipio de La PazBuenos Aires Voluntary Local Review 2019Film in São PauloConceiving, Producing and Managing Neighbourhoods: Comparing Urban Upgrading Initiatives in JohannesburgSocial Cohesion in GautengAge Friendly Strategy - Greater ManchesterClimate and Energy Plan 2030Quality of Life IV Survey (2015/16): City Benchmarking ReportAddressing the metropolitan challenge - ApendixAddressing the metropolitan challenge in Barcelona Metropolitan AreaSeoul e-GovernmentSeoul Metropolitan Rapid TransitPublic TransportationSeoul EnvironmnentSeoul Tap Water ArisuSeoul Public Housing & ArchitectureSeoul Urban PlanningDeveloping transport infraestructure in SeoulNotas Técnicas - MovilidadCitizens Shaping SeoulLa Diplomatie Urbaine au Service de la Collectivité Montréalaise et du MondeProjets Urbains MontréalThe Seoul Institute Annual Research Digest 2017The Greater Manchester Internationalisation Strategy 2017-2020Lyon´s International Action El Agua y las CiudadesLyon Economic Development Programme 2016-2021Valle de Aburrá - Regional ContextTaking Charge of our Health and Social Care - Greater ManchesterNotas Técnicas - Reducir Homicidios Metropoles FactFilePreviousNext partners publications Urban Innovation and the Implementation of the New Urban AgendaRevista Trabajos de Investigación en Paradiplomacia TIP 10 AÑOSUrban Innovation Interim ReportUrban Innovation Trends - A Global ReportGuangzhou Award - Report on local implementation of the SDGsIntegrating health in urban and territorial planningPolicy and planning tools for urban green justiceSub-National Urban Policy: A GuideCities change the worldESPON METRO – The role and future perspectives of Cohesion Policy in the planning of Metropolitan Areas and CitiesGovernance Assessment Framework for Metropolitan Territorial and Regional ManagementConducting City DiplomacyEmpowering Cities for the Development of Sustainable Food System PoliciesInclusive Creative Economy and The Future of WorkSecuring Affordable Housing Delivery in CitiesYouth Empowerment for Prosperous and Inclusive CitiesUrban inclusiveness, safety nets and social compacts in the time of a pandemicRemoving Barriers to Mainstreaming Gender EqualityCities on the Frontline: Managing the Coronavirus crisisGlobal State of Metropolis 2020 - Population Data BookletGlobal Openness & Inclusive InnovationThe GOLD V Thematic Report on Metropolitan AreasInternational strategies in Metropolitan AreasThe Localization of the Global agendaTowards the Localization of the SDGs - Local and Regional Governments' Report to the 2019 HLPFWorld Observatory on Local Government Finance and Investment (WOFI) - 2019 ReportEuropean Pillar of Social Rights - The role of metropolitan areas in social issuesMobility as a ServiceRethinking the ecosystem of international city networksSummaries of 45 City Initiatives from the 2018 Guangzhou International Award for Urban InnovationSteering the MetropolisUn lugar en la mesa globalBRICS Cities 2016GOLD IV Co-Creating the urban future. Executive SummaryGOLD IV Co-Creating the urban futureRoadmap for localizing the SDGThe city we need_eng2016 world cities report UN HABITATCase Study Metropolitan Governance Guadalajar, MexicoCase Study Metropolitan Governance Ethekwini (Durban), South AfricaUnpacking Metropolitan Governance for Sustainable Development2014 OECD Metropolitan Governance SurveyPreviousNext Urban Innovation and the Implementation of the New Urban AgendaRevista Trabajos de Investigación en Paradiplomacia TIP 10 AÑOSUrban Innovation Interim ReportUrban Innovation Trends - A Global ReportGuangzhou Award - Report on local implementation of the SDGsIntegrating health in urban and territorial planningPolicy and planning tools for urban green justiceSub-National Urban Policy: A GuideCities change the worldESPON METRO – The role and future perspectives of Cohesion Policy in the planning of Metropolitan Areas and CitiesGovernance Assessment Framework for Metropolitan Territorial and Regional ManagementConducting City DiplomacyEmpowering Cities for the Development of Sustainable Food System PoliciesInclusive Creative Economy and The Future of WorkSecuring Affordable Housing Delivery in CitiesYouth Empowerment for Prosperous and Inclusive CitiesUrban inclusiveness, safety nets and social compacts in the time of a pandemicRemoving Barriers to Mainstreaming Gender EqualityCities on the Frontline: Managing the Coronavirus crisisGlobal State of Metropolis 2020 - Population Data BookletGlobal Openness & Inclusive InnovationThe GOLD V Thematic Report on Metropolitan AreasInternational strategies in Metropolitan AreasThe Localization of the Global agendaTowards the Localization of the SDGs - Local and Regional Governments' Report to the 2019 HLPFWorld Observatory on Local Government Finance and Investment (WOFI) - 2019 ReportEuropean Pillar of Social Rights - The role of metropolitan areas in social issuesMobility as a ServiceRethinking the ecosystem of international city networksSummaries of 45 City Initiatives from the 2018 Guangzhou International Award for Urban InnovationSteering the MetropolisUn lugar en la mesa globalBRICS Cities 2016GOLD IV Co-Creating the urban future. Executive SummaryGOLD IV Co-Creating the urban futureRoadmap for localizing the SDGThe city we need_eng2016 world cities report UN HABITATCase Study Metropolitan Governance Guadalajar, MexicoCase Study Metropolitan Governance Ethekwini (Durban), South AfricaUnpacking Metropolitan Governance for Sustainable Development2014 OECD Metropolitan Governance SurveyPreviousNext Topics - Any -City Managers CommunityCongresses & Annual MeetingsDecentralized cooperationGender mainstreamingGlobal LeadershipObservatoryPilot projectsUrban innovationUSELearning Members MemberAbidjanAccraAddis AbabaAhmedabadAhvazAlexandriaAmmanAntalyaAntananarivoÁrea Metropolitana de GuadalajaraBaghdadBamakoBandar LampungBangkokBanguiBarcelonaBeijingBeirutBelém do ParáBelo HorizonteBerlinBhopalBogorBogotáBrasíliaBrazzavilleBrussels Capital RegionBucharestBuenos AiresBuenos Aires (provincia)BusanCairoCanton of GenevaCasablancaChangchunChangshaChengduChinese people association for friendship with foreign countriesChisinauChongqingColomboCórdobaCotonouDaeguDaejeonDakarDakar (Region)DalianDiyarbakirDoualaDubaiDurbanEast KalimantanFaisalabadFuzhouGautengGaziantepGenevaGoyangGrand LyonGrand ParisGRANPAL Porto AlegreGuadalajaraGuangzhouGuangzhou Academy of Social Sciences (Associate Member)GuarulhosGuayaquilGuiyangGujranwalaGwangjuGyeonggiHaikouHangzhouHanoiHarareHarbinHavanaHyderabadIncheonIsfahanIstanbulJakartaJemberJilinJinanJohannesburgKaohsiungKarajKathmanduKazanKocaeli KonyaKuala LumpurKunmingKyivLa PazLahoreLibrevilleLisbonMadridMakassarMale'MarrakechMashhadMedellínMendozaMetropolitan Area of BarcelonaMetropolitan City of Rome CapitalMéxico (State)Mexico CityMinas GeraisMonterreyMontevideoMontréalMoscowMuğla Metropolitan MunicipalityNanjingNanningNew Delhi - NIUANew TaipeiNiameyNouakchottPalembangPorto Alegre - oldPraiaPueblaPuneQingdaoQuitoRabatRamallahRio de JaneiroRosarioSan SalvadorSanta Cruz de la SierraSantiago de CaliSantiago de ChileSão PauloSão Paulo (State)SarajevoSejongSemarangSeoulShanghaiShenyangShenzhenShijiazhuangShirazSipingSofiaSouth TangerangSurabayaTabrizTaichungTaipeiTangierTehranTianjinTijuanaTorontoTunisTurin Metropolitan CityUlsanValle de AburraWest KalimantanWuhanWuxiXi'anXiamenYaoundéYiwuZagrebZhengzhou Apply 6th European Metropolitan Authorities - Declaration Joint statement to the 2022 high-level meeting on the new urban agenda 5th European Metropolitan Authorities - Declaration U20 Statement on green and just recovery from COVID-19U20 Statement Joint Statement to the 2021 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable DevelopmentEN ES FR Joint Statement to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women 65 (CSW65) 2020 Rome Charter Joint Statement to the 2020 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development of the organized constituency of Local and Regional Governments Planetary urbanization & life below water UN75 discussions - Metropolis Report A call to Rethink our Metropolitan SpacesEN ES FR Statement at the Tenth World Urban Forum World Assembly of Local and Regional GovernmentsEN The Urban Political DeclarationEN Declaration of metropolitan areas. Global State of metropolisEN FR Statement of the organized constituency of local and regional governments - SDG Summit 2019 EMA 2019 - 5th European Metropolitan Authorities Political DeclarationEN FR Statement of the organized constituency of local and regional governments - First UN-Habitat Assembly 2019 Urban 20 Tokyo Mayors Summit Communiqué Seville CommitmentLocal leadership, global transformation Cities working together for migrants and refugeesEN ES FR Commitment to the agenda of cities for coexistence and peaceEN ES FR U20 cities call on the G20 to prioritize an urban perspective in tackling global issuesEN ES European Metropolitan Authorities: Rome DeclarationEN 2018 Declaration Inclusive Metropolitan Cities and City-RegionsEN ES FR Global Taskforce StatementEN Insititutional recogntion of metropolitan areas Post-Habitat IIIEN ES Letter from the local leaders to G7EN FR Brasilia Local and Regional Governments Call for Action on Water and SanitationEN World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments in Kuala LumpurEN Contribution to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular MigrationEN ES FR Addendum - Contribution to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular MigrationEN Montréal Declaration - XII World congressENG ES FR Roadmap COP22EN ES FR Montréal Declaration on Metropolitan Areas (2015)EN ES FR