Commuting across metropolises
Organised in the occasion of the celebrations of World Bicycle Day, this webinar gathered experts from Madrid, Seoul and the UITP who talked about the problematic of mobility, one of the most emblematic, visible and sensitive examples of how metropolitan governance is applied to the everyday life of citizens.
This webinar gathered experts from Madrid, Seoul and the UITP who talked about the problematic of mobility, one of the most emblematic, visible and sensitive examples of how metropolitan governance is applied to the everyday life of citizens.
Transport and its management have a profound influence on people's access to vital activities of care, work, study and leisure, on family budgets and, consequently, on our quality of life.
Meeting mobility needs becomes more complex when territorial spaces are expanded and diversified, as is the case in large metropolises, requiring coordination between public administrations of different levels and sizes, as well as between private and even individual initiatives.
For more information about the session, you can read the news

- Philip Turner, Sustainable Mobility expert, UITP
- Floridea Di Ciommo, Economist and urban analyst, PhD in transport and urban planning, member of the cooperative cambiaMO | changing MObility
- Youngjun Han, Associate Research Fellow of Seoul Institute