Mobility and sustainability from a gender perspective in metropolitan areas
In order to spark debate within Metropolis on key issues for metropolitan área – social sustainability and mobility that includes all citizens – Metropolis organised a workshop entitled "Mobility and sustainability from a gender perspective in metropolitan areas", which took place in Barcelona last July 6. The event, which featured representatives of Metropolis member cities, eight cities in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) and some of the collaborating organisations, was a great opportunity to forge synergies and generate interdisciplinary debate on mobility and sustainability from a gender perspective in metropolitan areas, as well as possible projects for Metropolis and the cities themselves to implement.
The first part of the workshop featured two presentations, from Seoul and from Barcelona, on the importance of incorporating a gender perspective into mobility and sustainability policies in our metropolises.
The second part of the workshop was based on dynamic sessions, during which the participants agreed that it is necessary to foster sustainable mobility in our cities, meeting the needs and interests of all the citizens. To do so, it is important to implement an integrated travel system with rates according to the profile and economic power of different groups (economic accessibility). Likewise, the importance of intermunicipal work and multilevel collaboration (municipal governments with supramunicipal governments) was highlighted as a way to share visions and agendas that help foster sustainable mobility that is accessible to all, and deprioritises motorised private transport options. Furthermore, a key issue brought up by many cities is the need to put a stop to sexual and other types of harassment on public transport and in public spaces. To do so, we will all have to work together.
The participants also asked Metropolis to offer and promote a place to share experiences and good practices in terms of mobility and social sustainability with gender perspective in the cities.