Habitat UNI Gender Hub

The Habitat UNI Gender Hub documents, analyses, sets and promotes a global agenda on gender equality and women’s rights to the city; urban planning; land and housing; urban services and infrastructure; mobility, transportation, accessibility; cities and safety; socio-demographic transformations; sexual division of labour; everyday life quality in cities: time use survey, use of space and territories; resilience to climate change; governance and political participation and others.

UN Women

UN Women is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality, and works with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to ensure that the standards are effectively implemented and truly benefit women and girls worldwide.

Women in Cities International (WICI)

Women in Cities International (WICI) is a non-profit network focusing on gender equality and the participation of women in urban development founded in 2002. WICI and its network acts as a consultant to local and national governments and international organizations in promoting gendered policies and programmes, furthering the greater participation of women, and increasing the effectiveness of action undertaken by women’s organizations at the community level.


UITP (International Association of Public Transport) is the only worldwide network to bring together all public transport stakeholders and all sustainable transport modes. The association works for the promotion of sustainable urban mobility.


The OECD is an intergovernmental organisation based in Paris formed of 36 states. The mission of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development aims to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.

Global Taskforce of Local & Regional Governments

The Global Task Force of Local and Regional Governments is a coordination mechanism set up in 2013 at the initiative of UCLG President and mayor of Istanbul, Kadir Topbas. It brings together the major international networks of local governments to undertake joint advocacy relating to international policy processes, particularly the climate change agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals and Habitat III.

Chicago Council on Global Affairs

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization that provides insight – and influences the public discourse – on critical global issues. We convene leading global voices, conduct independent research, and engage the public to explore ideas that will shape our global future. The Council is committed to bringing clarity and offering solutions to issues that transcend borders and transform how people, business, and governments engage the world.

C40 Cities

C40 is a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change. C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change.