Credits: Chengdu Municipal People's Government

Mapping a Green Future: Urban Planning under the Park City Initiative


The first edition of the webinar "Mapping a Green Future: Urban Planning under the Park City Initiative" was organised by Metropolis Learning Hub with the support of Chengdu Institute of Planning and Design, and was held on may 20th and 21st. It consisted in a two-session webinar, where participants were able to learn from experiences from Glasgow, Chengdu, Seoul, Johannesburg and Dujiangyan



The first session ot the learning hub "Mapping a green future: urban planning under the park city initiative" explored the idea of the park initiative as a way of urban planning that contributes to a future version of cities which highlight a people-centered green development path.

It also answered the questions of how can planning shape green development and improve the quality of living and how is a Park City creating green jobs and directing citizens to an eco-friendly lifestyle. 

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Session 1: Daring Solutions to Secure Green Urban Future


This session revolved around two topics: thinking and designing sustainable urban development in a holistic and integrated way; and ambitious projects to drive green economy and advocate green life. 

With regard to the first topic we had presentations from Glasgow and Chengdu, while the second topic was starred by the Tianfu Greenway Project. 

Session 2: Daring solutions to secure green urban future


This webinar was divided in two parts. The first part was about integrated approaches to tackle urban decay and nature-based mirco renewal, and included expositions from Chengdu, Seoul and Dujiangyan.

In the second part it was dealt the idea of making of future green communities, with the presentations of Chengdu and Johannesburg. 

Tab 2 Content
TOPIC 2: ambitious projects to drive green economy and advocate green life

If you want to know more about this learning hub,  you can read the news.

  • Agnès Bickart, Senior Manager for Institutional Relations & Asia Portfolio (Metropolis)
  • Jiang Bin, Director General of Foreign Affairs Office of Chengdu
  • Gillian Dick, Spatial Planning Manager - Research & Development Plan Group Neighborgoods, Regeneration & Sustainability (Glasgow City Council)
  • Ding Rui, Deputy Director, Office of Technical Guidance and Quality Assessment, Chengdu Institute of Planning and Design
  • Shu Zhu, Regional Director & China Representative, ICLEI East Asia
  • Ran Yang, Director of Greenway Project Promotion and Investment, Chengdu Tianfu Greenway Culture and Tourism Development Group
  • Lia Brum, Research and Policy officer (Metropolis)
  • Zheng Yuliang, Senior Planning Officer, Chengdu Institute of Planning and Design
  • Youming Kim, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at University of Seoul (Seoul Metropolitan Government)
  • Zhang Li, Project Manager of Piying Community Renewal Project (Dujiangyan)
  • Qin Nan, Community Worker at LuxLake Park Community (Chengdu)
  • Wang Lai, Resident and Volunteer at LuxeLake Park Community (Chengdu)
  • Adelaide Chokoe, Arboriculturist under Urban Forestry and Nurseries Unit in Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo 
Session date
End date
Public space and Housing
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Photo by Brenda Alcántara - Oxfam Brazil

A multidimensional approach to urban inequalities: thoughts and aspirations


As part of the "Neighbourhoods, inequality and youth: putting multidimensional inequalities on the local political agenda in countries in transition" project, implemented through a partnership between Oxfam (Brazil, Mexico, Spain), the European Union, Barcelona City Council, Metropolis and the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), a webinar was organized to showcase its results.

The project consisted in identifying public policies for reducing inequalities in urban settings from a multidimensional, interdisciplinary and intersectional perspective.





Este evento compartió y difundió experiencias prometedoras en la medición y análisis de las desigualdades en entornos urbanos, especialmente en grandes ciudades y áreas metropolitanas como Ciudad de México, Brasilia, São Paulo y Barcelona, junto con un comentario de Metropolis

También promovió el uso de estas metodologías y compartir las lecciones aprendidas de estas experiencias desde la perspectiva tanto de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil como de los municipios.

Para más información, puedes consultar el programa y leer la noticia referentes a la sesión. 



Enlace al vídeo de la sesión 


  • Silvia Llorente, Project officer for Metropolis Women, Metropolis
  • Ginna Morelo, journalist and writer, president of the Editorial Board. 
  • Zuleica Goulart, coordinator of the Sustainable Cities Programme, Rede Nossa São Paulo
  • Cleo Manhas, policy advisor at the Institute for Socio-Economic Studies Inesc, Movimento Nossa Brasilia
  • Diego Vázquez, Director of Research, Oxfam Mexico
  • Josep María Pasqual, Director of Urban Quality Strategies, Technical Secretary of the "Citizen Agreement for an Inclusive Barcelona", Barcelona City Council
  • Frederic Romea Moya, Consultant - Researcher, Barcelona City Council
  • Eva García, Senior Research, Global Cities Programme, CIDOB
  • Andrea Costafreda, Middle Income Countries Programme Lead, Oxfam Intermón


Session date
End date
Governance and citizen engagement
Equity, health and care
Supported by
Ajuntament de Barcelona

Photo by Mohammad Shahhosseini on Unspalsh

Visions and Challenges in Urban regeneration


Metropolis and Teheran Municipality organised this thematic webinar on visions and challenges in urban regeneration to gather Metropolis members and to share their own experiences regarding urban heritage without losing sight of the identity of a city in an increasingly globalised world. In this session participants were able to learn more about the urban regeneration experiences from Delhi and Cairo



With the growth of urbanization, about 56% of the world's population live in cities and slums sprawl to be the home for some; as well complex economic-structural changes in the urban areas make urban deteriorated areas around the world especially in Global South, it is why cities need the interventions of urban regeneration program.The transformation of the cities’ structure is necessary which involves housing, employment, social issues, etc.

This is the starting point of sustainable urban regeneration, the topic of this session where participants were able to learn more about the urban regeneration experiences from Delhi and Cairo

For more information of the session, you can read the news




Enlace al vídeo de la sesión 

  • Dr. Kave Hajialiakbari, CEO, Urban Renewal Organization of Tehran (UROT)
  • Dr. Pirouz Hanachi, Mayor Teheran
  • Octavi de la Varga, Secretary general Metropolis
  • Heydar Eskandarpour,  Mayor, Shiraz
  • Dr. Rana Hammam, Urban Regeneration, Cairo
  • Mennatullah Hendaway, Chair of Urban Design, and Lecturer assistant, Ain shams university, Cairo
  • Kanak Tiwari, Master Plan of Delhi 2042, Delhi
  • Kave hani Aliakbari, CEO of UROT, Tehran
  • Özlem TUT,  Director of Urban Transformation, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality  


Session date
Public space and Housing

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Geospatial Visualization for Urban Revitalization


Metropolis International training Institute Mashhad organised this webinar to highlight the importance of geospatial localisation tools in the urban revitalisation process. In this session, after a background on geospatial localisation in general, we reviewed a couple of redevelopment / revitalisation projects in Victoria, Australia over the last a few years and then explored the concept of the Digital Twins in Fishermans Bend, Melbourne.


Urban renewal, redevelopment, and revitalisation projects have the potential to rehabilitate and better utilise land and space to create employment opportunities, create diverse housing options, stimulate the local economy and attract investments.

Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems have been extensively utilised to assist urban experts to have a better understanding of the proposed urban redevelopment projects. Over the last 30 years, such technologies have been an inseparable part of any large-scale redevelopments.

Digital Twins has also been part of this visualisation journey; and much more than that. In this presentation, after a background on visualisation in general, we reviewed a couple of redevelopment / revitalisation projects in Victoria, Australia over the last a few years and then explored the concept of the Digital Twins in Fishermans Bend, Melbourne.

  • Payam Ghadirian, PhD, Manager, Data Development and Support at Emergency Management Victoria, Greater Melbourne Area


Session date
Public space and Housing
Digitalisation and innovation
Concept Note118.57 KB

Photo by Shawn Pang on Unsplash

Learning from tactical urbanism: Metropolitan perspectives for long-term solutions


During this session we explored the concept of tactical urbanism in relation with socio-economic lessons from the pandemic. For doing that, we gathered representatives from the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the City of Bogotá, the Brussels Capital Region, the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, the City of Montreal and the Metropolitan Area of Turin. 


During this session we explored the concept of tactical urbanism in relation with socio-economic lessons from the pandemic. For doing that, we gathered representatives from the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the City of Bogotá, the Brussels Capital Region, the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, the City of Montreal and the Metropolitan Area of Turin. 

If you want to know more about this session, you can read the news



Video of the session

  • Karla Miranda, Deputy Director of Planning and Research, COAMSS/OPAM
  • Nadya Rangel, Secretary of Habitat, Alcaldía de Bogotá
  • Sílvia Casorrán, Head of Bicycle Projects at the Sustainable Mobility Services Directorate; Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
  • Noemí Martínez, Head of Projects and Urban Design Office at the Public Space Services Directorate; Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
  • Xavier Nogués, Head of the Mobility Projects Service at the Public Space Services Directorate at Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
  • Tony Van Nuffelen, International Coordinator at Urban Brussels, Brussels-Capital Region
  • Federico De Giuli, Architect and scientific director of the Italian University for Design IAAD, Metropolitan City of Turin
  • Peter Finau, Architect, Montréal
  • Octavi de la Varga, Metropolis Secretary General
Session date
End date
Public space and Housing

Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

Sustainable Urban Regeneration


During this webinar representatives from Dakar, Dresden, Nanjing, Shiraz, Delhi and Cairo exposed different urban regeneration projects in order to promote inclusion and resource efficiency, provide safe and affordable housing, alleviate environmental problems, help make human settlements safer and contribute to other targets enumerated under the sustainable development goal 11. 


It has been for decades that cities have been formulating 'urban regeneration' policies trying to improve the physical, economic and environmental state of the cities and making them more livable.

During this webinar representatives from Dakar, Dresden, Nanjing, Shiraz, Delhi and Cairo exposed different urban regeneration projects in order to promote inclusion and resource efficiency, provide safe and affordable housing, alleviate environmental problems, help make human settlements safer and contribute to other targets enumerated under the sustainable development goal 11. 



Video of the session


  • Mr. Javad Bahadori, Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning and Architecture, Shiraz
  • Nastaran Najdaghi, Head of Urban Regeneration Bureau, Shiraz
  • Wolfgang Socher, Head of Environmental Office, Dresden
  • Ling Zhang, deputy director of the devpt & Reform Commission of Qinhuai District, Nanjing
  • Octavi de la Varga, Secretary General, Metropolis


Session date
End date
Public space and Housing
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Photo by Markus Spske on Unsplash

Ibero-American experiences of tactical urban planning against the COVID-19

This webinar organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Metropolis consisted in the identification of innovative experiences where tactical urbanism has been applied as a municipal action instrument to break the expansion of COVID-19 while contributing to the systematization of municipal experiences to be included in the platform Cities For Global Health promoted by Metropolis, UCLG, ALLAS and Barcelona City Council.


In particular, participants were able to learn about experiences of tactical urbanism from representatives from Guatemala, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Medellín and Mexico City. 


This webinar consisted in the identification of innovative experiences where tactical urbanism has been applied as a municipal action instrument to break the expansion of COVID-19 while contributing to the systematization of municipal experiences to be included in the platform Cities For Global Health promoted by Metropolis, UCLG, ALLAS and Barcelona City Council.


In particular, participants were able to learn about experiences of tactical urbanism from representatives from Guatemala, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Medellín and Mexico City. 





Video of the session 

  • Octavi de la Varga, Secretary General of Metropolis
  • Carlos Soberanis, Emilio Vargas y José Miguel Benitez, Urban Planning Department, Guatemala City
  • Silvia Casorran, Head of the Bicycle Office, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
  • Nicolás Rivillas, Assistant Manager of Design and Innovation of the Urban Development Company of Medellin
  • Constanza Delón Córdoba, Secretariat for Mobility, Mexico City
  • Diana Lopez Caramazana, Partnership Specialist, Cities and Urbanization, UNDP
Session date
End date
Public space and Housing
Supported by
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People playing in public space

Culture as a Dimension to Rethink Metropolitan Spaces

This webinar aimed to bring a cultural perspective to the design of metropolitan governments. The right to participate in culture has enormous power over the redistribution of the right to the city, and this was presented by representatives of the municipalities of Rome, Barcelona, Xi'an and Buenos Aires.


This session, starred by the representatives from Rome, Barcelona, Xi'an and Buenos Aires, included inputs and key drivers regarding culture and its impact in people’s life in a metropolitan context. It also provided with a perspective on the challenges and opportunities to ensure the quality of life in metropolitan spaces. 

If you want to know more about the session, you can read the news 




Video of the session

  • Luca Bergamo, Deputy Mayor, Rome
  • Enrique Avogadro, Minister for Cultural Affairs, Buenos Aires
  • Wang Chenjia, Dean of the Intercultural Research Institute at Northwestern University, Xi’an
  • Dani Granados, Representative for Cultural Rights, Barcelona City Council
  • Jordi Pascual Coordinador de la Comisión de cultura de la organización mundial de Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos (CGLU)
Session date
Public space and Housing
Related alliances

Intersectional responses for the LGBTI+ community facing COVID-19

Intersectional responses for the LGBTI+ community facing COVID-19


This webinar focused on analysing the concept of intersectionality. Moreover, participants could learn from concrete experiences incorporating the intersectional perspective in the response to the social crisis generated by the COVID-19. In particular, Barcelona, Rosario, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Bogotá, Medellin and Montevideo.


The idea that the axes of inequality operate in parallel has many limitations, both for understanding social reality with complexity and for intervening from public policy. The intersectional perspective gives us tools to think with more complexity about how the different axes of inequality are crossed and what specific vulnerabilities, needs or discriminations result from those crossings.

In this session, apart from analyzing the concept of intersectionality, participants could learn from concrete experiences incorporating the intersectional perspective in the response to the social crisis generated by the COVID-19. In particular, Barcelona, Rosario, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Bogotá, Medellin and Montevideo.

If you want to know more about this session, you can read the news



Video of the session

  • Gerard Coll Planas, Director of the Centre d'Estudis Interdisciplinaris de Gènere, Universitat de Vic and Universitat Central de Catalunya
  • Meritxell Saez, Department of Feminisms and LGTBI, Barcelona City Council
  • Martín Clapié, Director of the Sexual Diversity Office, Municipality of Rosario
  • Sabrina Crespo, LGBTI+ Representative, Sexual Diversity Office, Municipality of Rosario
  • Pamela Malewicz, Undersecretary of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism, Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
  • Geraldina González de la Vega, President of COPRED, Mexico City
  • David Alonzo, Director of the Sexual Diversity Office, Bogotá City Hall
  • Luz Ángela Álvarez, Secretariat of Social Inclusion, Family and Human Rights, Medellín City Hall
  • Andrés Scagliola, Executive Coordinator of the Secretariat for Diversity, Montevideo City Hall
Session date
Equity, health and care
Supported by
Ajuntament de Barcelona