Legal notice

The holder of the domain is:

  • Secretariat General
  • World Association of the Major Metropolises (Metropolis)
  • CIF: G65011652
  • Calle Avinyó nº 15, 3rd floor
  • 08002 Barcelona (Spain)

The purpose of this legal notice is to establish and regulate the usage for the Metropolis website.

The use of this web site as well as the services provided in it for the user will suppose knowledge and full acceptance, unreservedly, of all and each of the general conditions collected in the present Legal Notice.



The information appearing in the website is current as from the date of its last update.

Metropolis reserves the right to update, modify or delete the Web site’s information, being able to limit or to deny access to it and carry out, at any time, as many changes and modifications as it may deem necessary.

Metropolis can use this right at any time and without previous notice. All efforts are made to avoid errors in the contents appearing in the web site and Metropolis takes responsibility for them if there are any.

Due to the service's special conditions and with the aim of delivering a more appropriate service, Metropolis may modify the terms and conditions of the present agreement, which will have to be followed by the users at all times.



Access to this Web site is the user's exclusive responsibility. Those risks derived from the use of this Web site by the user will be their own.

Metropolis is not liable either for possible damages derived from problems in the website's operations for causes unrelated to it; nor for damages which may have been caused by third parties by means of illegitimate intrusions outside Metropolis' control.

The user commits him/herself not to use the website and the services and contents at his/her disposition for illicit ends, unauthorised or fraudulent and/or with different ends to those established in the present legal notice which could damage Metropolis' interests and/or rights and those of third parties.

It is categorically forbidden to advertise in other websites; including links to other pages or references to third parties without the express authorisation of this website's Administrators.

Metropolis' reserves the right to stop or forbid access to this Web to any Internet user who may introduce into this Website any content contrary to law or of an immoral character, reserving the right to exercise any legal measures deemed necessary to curtail this type of conduct.



Metropolis' strictly observes the current legislation in matters of data protection and especially, the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

The data which you provide in this website may be incorporated into a file under Metropolis' control with the aim of offering and managing the website's service.

Supplying any personal data through the different forms of this web page implies expressly accepting and consenting to the processing of the aforementioned data' under the given terms and with the described aims. We will not make any use other than that for which you have not been expressly informed and authorized.

Metropolis commits itself to a duty of secrecy and confidentiality regarding the personal data contents of the automatic file in accordance with the applicable legislation; likewise, it commits itself to confer a secure treatment to those transfers which may, in some cases, happen.

Metropolis' adopts all technical and organisational measures deemed necessary to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, non authorised access and theft of the personal data provided, in this case, through the Web, taking into consideration the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they may be exposed.

The details of the personal data protection policy can be found in our privacy policy



In fulfilment of article 22 of the Spanish electronic commerce laws we inform you that this website uses cookies with the aim of improving web searching, providing a better service to the user and offering its own directed advertising or that of third parties depending on the user's search habits.

In the section Policy on cookies we detail the web's typology and use of cookies.



Unless otherwise expressed on the Web site, the texts, images, illustrations, designs and other content found in the website are Metropolis' property or that of third parties from which authorisation, license or grant of use has been obtained.

The User commits him/herself not to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, transform or modify the Contents of the website, unless with the copyright holder's authorisation or with Metropolis' previous express written authorisation.

Any user or third party that considers there has been a violation of intellectual or industrial property rights on account of specific content on the website may notify Metropolis thereof in writing at the address indicated at the head of this legal notice, or via email to