Resources By topic Gender equalitySustainability and climate change-Energy-Environmental protection-Food sustainability-Resilience & risk-management-Sustainability-Waste management-Climate adaptation & mitigation-WaterGovernance and citizen engagement-Metropolitan Governance-Violence prevention-Crime & violence prevention-Citizen engagement-Public finance-Partnerships and collaborationsSustainable economy-Employment-Tourism-Circular Economy-Economic development-Economic resilienceEquity, health and care-Inclusion and equity-Migration and refugees-Social Cohesion-Education and training-Elderly people-Barrier-free city-Health and wellbeing-Children and young people-Social resiliencePublic space and Housing-Urban design-Urban development & Infrastructures-Urban Innovation-Urban renewal / rehabilitation-Cultural vibrance-Informal settlements-Public space-Land use, -planning and -management-HousingDigitalisation and innovation-Smart city and technologyMobility, Accessibility and Transport-Mobility and transport By type DiplomacyPolicy BriefReportComparative studyIssue PapersData InsightsInfographicVideoPodcast By SDGs 1 - No Poverty2 - Zero hunger3 - Good Health and Well-Being4 - Quality Education5 - Gender Equality6 - Clean Water and Sanitation7 - Affordable and Clean Energy8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure10 - Reduced Inequality11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities12 - Responsible Consumption and Production13 - Climate Action14 - Life Below Water15 - Life on Land16 - Peace and Justice Strong Institutions17 - Partnerships to achieve the Goals Apply Report Public space strategies for a sustainable metropolitan future: A collection of best practicesMonday 23/05/2022 Diplomacy Joint statement to the 2022 high-level meeting on the new urban agendaWednesday 27/04/2022 Report Urban Innovation and the Implementation of the New Urban AgendaWednesday 27/04/2022 Data Insights Analytics Note #05 - Local Public Services and Sustainable Development: Shifts in Priorities due to COVID-19Monday 11/04/2022 Comparative study Five metropolitan approaches to international actionThursday 31/03/2022 Policy Brief Policy Brief #05: Local Public Services in Crisis Mode: Adapting Governance Models to Exceptional TimesTuesday 29/03/2022 Report The deployment of the 5G technology on metropolitan scalesMonday 28/02/2022 Report Revista Trabajos de Investigación en Paradiplomacia TIP 10 AÑOSWednesday 23/02/2022 Comparative study Rethinking public space for a sustainable metropolitan futureWednesday 16/02/2022 SHOW MORE