<p>This guide presents specific actions that local authorities have employed to lessen, anticipate, and adapt to climate change, as well as recommendations for the participation of different society agents and for enhanced management of the actions, always considering the peculiarities of each city with regard to global warming.</p>
Climate-change prevention should cover as one whole both actions aimed at lessening the effects of climate change (cutting greenhouse gas emissions, setting carbon limits) and those aimed at anticipating and adapting to it (reducing the vulnerability of ecosystems and societies, guiding the growth of urban and regional spaces, the built-up space, road networks, preservation of natural and agricultural areas, etc.). It is essential to make an overall reflection on the actions that should be implemented to minimize the contradictions between economic development and the wellbeing of populations with regard to climate change.
It is necessary to reflect on the forms of governance of different political levels and public participation in order to improve the coordination and reconciliation of the set of agents that operate in a particular territory. Participative democracy is an important incentive for raising awareness and mobilizing the public. Public information on climate change should be shored up through enhanced communication. This guide is designed to present particular actions that local authorities have taken on the ground, as well as recommendations for participation by the different society agents; it also proposes suggestions for better control of the actions with regard to the organization of the territory.
These actions and recommendations consider the geoclimatic and socioeconomic peculiarities of each different city.
To assess the work of the latest cycle of Commission 1: Eco-Regions with regard to climate change:
- Propose actions to tackle climate change and the adaptations required.
- Present actions on the ground that have been implemented by Metropolis regions, member cities or collaborators.
- Hold a seminar to present the final result of this practical guide.
Date | Phase / action |
January / February 2012 | Bibliographical studies |
March / April 2012 | Making contact with cities that have rolled out actions that can be used as examples, with the goal of minimizing the problems of climate change and adapting to circumstances |
May / early June | Onsite visit to make contact with the cities’ political leaders and technical officers |
Mid-June | First meeting of the working group and cities |
August / October | Wording and preparation of the guide |
November / December | Presentation of the result in a seminar format (Guangzhou Board of Directors meeting) |
The idea is to share the measures put into practice and to boost their visibility in order to promote good practices within the population and to contribute to the actions of the elected local representatives. The politicians responsible for decision-making and the heads of local authority departments need references to reinforce their decision-making ability both in the process of adaptation and in crisis management. The idea is also to shore up the information available to the public, one of the key agents in the fight against climate change.
We propose that the Metropolis cities and collaborators who have implemented actions that can be used as examples to lessen, anticipate, and adapt to climate change take part in preparing this practical guide. The idea is to share their experiences and actions with other cities willing to put the ideas into practice, in order to guide the development of their regional space.
Île-de-France Regional Council and IAU-îdF (Institute for Urban Planning and Development, Paris-Île-de-France Region)
- Iuli Nascimento: Environmental Studies Manager
- Christian Thibault: Director, Department of Urban and Rural Environment