Seoul fosters knowledge exchange on e-Governance
The Seoul Human Resource Development Center (SHRDC) successfully concluded a one week Metropolis Training program on e-Government. Participants from eight Metropolis member cities – Guangzhou, Shanghai, Jakarta, Hanoi, Shiraz, Taipei, Quito, and Medellin - attended the program from July 5 to 13, 2016.
All attendees shared Seoul’s best cases such as late night buses called ‘Owl Bus’ strategically tapped into Big Data as well as the main e-Governance services and infrastructures.
Furthermore, they had a meaningful opportunity to discuss and understand attendees' relating cases by delivering their presentation, such as Jakarta Smart City Portal, Quito’s improvement of electronic payment for services, the E-Certification and License Project of Guangzhou, the Hanoi Smart City project, the key strategies of the e-government initiatives of Medellín, the Shanghai economic and Information Technology Commission purposes, the Shiraz ICT Master Plan and different elements of project implementation in Taipei City, among others.
In addition, SHRDC provided them with site visits regarding Seoul's e-Government projects and major e-Government related institutions such as S-PLEX center, which is a multicomplex for IT, digital media and cultural content and the Korea Local Information Research and Development Institute (KLID) to know more about the infrastructure for e-Government and to expand relevant knowledge.