Mexico City's School of Public Administration reinforces the metropolitan dimension in the design of its activities
For the first time since his election as President of Metropolis, Mayor Denis Coderre met last Tuesday, March 8, with Leon Aceves, the director of the School of Public Administration (EAP, for its acronym in Spanish) of Mexico City. The objective of the meeting was to boost the activities of EAP within the scope of Metropolis Training programs in the Americas.
The Secretary General Felip Roca, and the Executive Director of Metropolis, Octavi de la Varga Mas, were also present at this meeting, which coincided with the Habitat III Thematic Meeting on Financing Urban Development.
This meeting was an opportunity to align the priorities and lines of work of both EAP and Metropolis, in order to deliver better training and more replicable professionalization models Metropolis members, keys to good governance and management of cities and metropolitan areas.
Mexico City is launching its new constitution, which places the reflection on the metropolitan challenges in the center of the urban debate. This new political context will have an impact on the activities of the EAP as a Metropolis Training center, and on its role of professionalizing public servants while promoting training activities among the administrations of large cities around the world.
Metropolis will work together with the EAP to deliver overall training on public management and identify innovative practices on governance and applied research. From a perspective that considers the complexity and challenges of metropolitan governance, training activities will be oriented around broad themes such as the design of social policies, the right to the city, the social economy, among others.