Metropolis fostering the debate about inclusive and prosperous communities.

On 2 October, the U20 Mayors Summit, the annual highlight for the international community of urban leaders, presented a 27-point consensus-built Communiqué to the G20 following nine months of seminal research and analysis into rebuilding cities in a more sustainable, inclusive and naturally diverse way in a post-pandemic world to achieve equitable, carbon-neutral, inclusive and healthy societies. 

Metropolis participated as a Knowledge lead partner in Task Force2 "Inclusive and Prosperous Communities", which aimed to analyze how cities can and need to provide indiscriminate access to opportunities and services for all the diverse people that live and work within them. At the same time how cities are preparing their citizens for the future of work and to overcome the digital divide, ensure cultural inclusivity and integration, and empower all citizens to thrive.
From this process, five white papers were published: 

  • Affordable housing
  • Socio-cultural inclusivity and cohesion
  • Mainstreaming gender equality
  • Upskilling for future of work – international and local opportunities
  • Youth empowerment 

Each of these white papers presents the key challenges and opportunities that were detected for each of these issues, a selection of case studies based on the experiences of the cities and entities that participated in the task force, and finally, some recommendations from both the political and technical perspectives. 

As Metropolis, we shared during the debates the need to strengthen multilevel governance and to enable coordinated work with other public or private actors present in the territory. Likewise, we also shared with the rest of the Taskforce's partners the strategic importance of incorporating the gender perspective and the caring economy to build effectively inclusive and prosperous communities.

If you want to read the five white papers please click here.

If you want to know the other cities and institutions part of this taskforce, please click here.