Changes in the call for Pilot Projects 2021 – 2023
In light of the recent outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, and in its compromise to always better serves the members of the association, the Metropolis Secretariat General wishes to make the following announcement and modifications regarding the call for pilot projects 2021-2023
The Metropolis Secretariat General will postpone the deadline to submit proposals to September 30th 2020. The calendar for 2020 is modified as follows :
February 26th : call for applications
July 24th : deadline to receive guidance from the Metropolis Secretariat General in the elaboration of a project proposal
September 30th : deadline for all applications (23h59, Barcelona time)
October 15th : shortlisting process results disclosed to the leaders of projects (Date to be confirmed)
October 28th : official approval of selected projects (Date to be confirmed)
November 2nd – December 31st : signature of the grant agreements between Metropolis and project leaders, which conditions the disbursement of the first instalment of the grant (7.000,00€) from January 1st 2021 (Date to be confirmed)
Modifications :
- In point 2 of the call “Financial allocation provided by Metropolis”
“The resources must be applied exclusively to activities of knowledge and practice exchanges that serve the purpose of learning, developing diagnosis of metropolitan issues and testing common solutions. This will not be applied to direct implementation of projects in the field.”
is amended as follows :
“The resources must be applied exclusively to activities of knowledge and practice exchanges that serve the purpose of learning, developing diagnosis of metropolitan issues, testing common solutions or developing new solutions to be implemented. This will not be applied to direct implementation of projects in the field.”
- In point 5 of the call “Selection Process”
Projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
level of coherence with the spheres of the metropolitan life described in the first section of this document – preference will be given to projects with demonstrated multidimensional and intersectional approaches; (max 20 pts)
clarity of the budget and calendar regarding the activities proposed; (max 20 pts)
diversity of partners and collaborators – in terms of geographic location and cross-sector partnerships; (max 15 pts)
addressing Sustainable Development Goals, level of contribution to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, Addis Ababa Action Agenda (max 15 pts).
generation of learning, in terms of the number of stakeholders that may benefit from the activities proposed; (max 10 pts)
themes not approached in the previous editions of the pilot projects (check https://www.metropolis.org/pilot-projects) (max 10 pts)
transferability to other metropolises; (max 10 pts)
Additional points will be given to proposals including members of Metropolis regions that were under-represented in previous editions (Africa & Asia) (max 10pts)
is amended as follows :
Projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- level of coherence with the spheres of the metropolitan life described in the first section of this document – preference will be given to projects with demonstrated multidimensional and intersectional approaches; (max 20 pts)
- clarity of the budget and calendar regarding the activities proposed; (max 20 pts)
- diversity of partners and collaborators – in terms of geographic location and cross-sector partnerships; (max 15 pts)
- addressing Sustainable Development Goals, level of contribution to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, Addis Ababa Action Agenda (max 15 pts).
- generation of learning, in terms of the number of stakeholders that may benefit from the activities proposed; (max 10 pts)
- themes not approached in the previous editions of the pilot projects (check https://www.metropolis.org/pilot-projects) (max 10 pts)
- transferability to other metropolises; (max 10 pts)
Additional points will be given to proposals including members of Metropolis regions that were under-represented in previous editions (Africa & Asia) (max 10pts)
Additional points will be given to proposals presenting innovative solutions to reduce the number of trips or field visits in the implementation of the activities of the project (max 10pts)
For more information, or to receive help in the search of a partner, please contact Mr. Guillaume Berret at the Metropolis Secretariat General (gberret@metropolis.org).