The space that connects urban projects to bilateral and multilateral development lenders

The first Investment Forum for Sustainable Metropolises will mobilize political leaders from large cities and metropolitan areas and their teams and connect them to development finance institutions, UN agencies, public and private investors and service providers.
Jointly organized by FMDV, Metropolis and with the support of UCLG, the Investment forum will take place on 15 June, 2023 in Brussels in the framework of the 14th Metropolis World Congress
The Investment Forum aims to:
- Organize a space for multistakeholder dialogues involving representatives from metropolitan governments and potential financial partners;
- Stimulate peer-to-peer exchanges amongst metropolises on urban investment issues & solutions;
- Connect urban projects with adequate funding and financing opportunities, from project preparation facilities to donors, investors and guarantees instruments.
- Representatives from local or regional governments with more than 1 million inhabitants
- Metropolis members or commitment to become member of Metropolis
Step 1: Fill in the form before May 1st 2023
Step 2: Analysis of the projects and selection by jury composed by professionals form Metropolis, FMDV and UCLG
Step 3: The selected projects will be announced on 15 May 2023

If you need assistance in filling in the form, please contact us (find our contact bellow)
Thursday, June 15th – The Investment Forum for Sustainable Metropolises will be organised around two pillars:
Experience-sharing sessions to exchange and spotlight inspiring funding and financing practices developed by public and private actors, including representatives of metropolitan authorities, local governments networks, donors, investors and/or private companies.
ACTION track
Matchmaking session to connect urban investment opportunities with potential public or private financiers. Project holders will have the opportunity to pitch their project in front of a group of financial institutions and investors specially invited for the occasion, for reaction and comments.
- 19th of April 2023: Closure of the call for proposals
- 15th of May 2023: Announcement of the selected projects
- 15th of June 2023: Urban Investment Forum, on the closing day of the 14th Metropolis World Congress
Need more information? You can read the concept note or contact us:
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Supported by