World Metropolitan Day in Grand Paris
Grand Paris has made the circular economy a priority axis for the economic development of the region in order to anticipate demographic growth, significantly and sustainably reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as the waste of resources and waste production to build a resilient metropolis.
Dedicated to the metropolitan challenges of the circular economy, "Grand Paris Circulaire" is the annual metropolitan reference event in the field of the circular economy that brings together elected officials, public stakeholders, companies, associations and experts.
You will find the programme of the event by clicking here (French version)
For more information about the event, visit its official website
Recognizing that the 2019 World Metropolitan Day campaign focuses on the implementation of specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the metropolitan scale, Grand Paris will host this event dedicated to the progress made on the following SDGs:
- 8 - Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
- 11 - Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable