Webinar Post-Pandemic Cities: Challenges and Opportunities
While scholars, policymakers, and practitioners worldwide were looking for an answer to what our cities need right now, a new coronavirus crisis has quickly spread over the world's cities altering city life almost beyond recognition; not only for being a health crisis but also for having a fundamentally different impact on society, economies, and cities.
Interventions to face COVID-19 pandemic have revealed the weaknesses in the urban planning as well as the urban management of metropolitan spaces. City inhabitants came to realise the importance of proximity to service and the safety of different modes of mobility. The pandemic accelerated digitalization in all areas of our life: work from home, distance learning, banking, and service provision, which urged many developing countries that had insufficient Internet service provision and usage to adopt measures to change the service provision from physical to virtual provision.
This hybrid workshop will discuss approaches, models and practices for planning and managing post-pandemic cities. We will explore how the crisis has made possible many transformations that were previously unimaginable or difficult to foresee. The workshop will discuss new planning models such as the 15-minute city, the compact city, super blocks, the car-free city, new urbanism concepts or a combination of these, and the effect of the pandemic on the implementation of these concepts that were developed before the crisis but gained momentum during it, and how these models can help shape post-pandemic cities.
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