Webinar: The consequences of inequalities
Inequality is not only related to unequal access to economic resources, it has an impact that goes beyond the strictly material and is related to a series of imbalances that fracture the cohesion and well-being of our societies. These problems range from physical or mental health, school drop-out, insecurity, drug use, the increase in the prison population, violence and exclusion.
The webinar will be the opportunity to learn about what inequalities supposes for a world where inequalities are higher than a few decades ago. Inequality is a huge social, health and economic problem — not only within countries but also between cities. The growth of mega-cities, particularly in the Global South and in Asia is creating massive social, health, economic, and environmental challenges. These cities are facing water and energy shortages, issues with waste management, and social unrest driven by economic inequality, to name just a few of their common problems.
The webinar will start next March,19 at 11h (CET)
Learning Objectives:
1) To understand the consequences of inequality and the impact on society
2) To understand the strong correlation between inequality and social problems
3) To raise awareness to local authorities about the impacts of inequality in daily-basis life in cities.
- opening remarks by Gina Abelló from Catalunya-Europe Foundation
- welcome address by Rashid Seedat, Head from the Planning Commission of the Gauteng Province
- lecture by Gemma Pinyol, migration and diversity consultant
- questions and comments (through chat)
The webinar will be conducted in English only.
*Please note that event time is set according to Central European Time (CET).
To register for this webinar, click here.
Click here to join the meeting on Zoom platform (ID 371-622-640)
This webinar is the first of a cycle of 3 webinars about inequalities organized jointly with the Catalonia-Europe Foundation. Re-City, an International Platform for Social Sustainability, is a project developed by Fundació Catalunya Europa and supported by Area Metropolitana de Barcelona (Barcelona Metropolitan Area), the Barcelona City Council, Generalitat de Catalunya, la Caixa and The Club of Rome.