New trends, new learnings for urban and interurban intermodal transport
New security measures against COVID 19 and the development of teleworking are the two challenges that cities must face in the future of urban and interurban public transport.
To analyse these major challenges, we will attend a round table discussion between several experts from the sector, Gerardo Lertxundi (CEO of TMB), Mohamed Mezgani (Secretary General of UITP) and Octavi de la Varga (Secretary General of Metropolis), who will discuss the challenges, trends and success stories that we can apply and adapt for the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area.
Time: 6:30 P.M. (CEST) - Barcelona, Spain
Language: English (no translation)
The event will be broadcast live on SEAT Spain’s official YouTube channel:
Mohamed Mezghani, Secretary General, UITP
Gerardo Lertxundi Albéniz, CEO, TMB
Oscar Chamat, Research & Policy Officer, METROPOLIS
Maria Tsavachidis, CEO of EIT Urban Mobility (pending confirmation)
Judit Batayé, director for Catalonia, TECH friendly