Metropolitan policies and indicators of social cohesion
The urbanization process that is transforming our planet is amply described by a large number of documents, studies and publications. However, sources rarely mention the fact that as a result of this transformation, another process is transforming our surroundings, surpassing all existing decision-making frameworks: metropolisation.
The seminar will be the opportunity to present our new system of metropolitan indicators, an open database on metropolitan scale, which currently incorporates data from 61 Metropolis members. It is an innovative project that will allow us to bring metropolitan data to the surface and make it available to everyone, to identify global and regional trends, as well as to observe the work that remains to be done in the construction of a data system on a local and metropolitan level that is up to date and that incorporates a gender perspective. With its 38 indicators, this project includes information from the 58 metropolitan spaces analysed, amounting to more than 2,789 data points.

Related documents:
- Concept note
- Programme (English version)
- Programme (Spanish version)
The seminar will take place at CIDOB, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (Carrer d'Elisabets, 12, 08001 Barcelona). It will be conducted in Spanish and English and will have an interpretation service.