Metropolitan Day campaign
To celebrate the anniversary of the Montréal Declaration on Metropolitan Areas (October 7, 2015) and promote the idea that global challenges operate and must be addressed at the metropolitan scale, Metropolis – in partnership with CIPPEC, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), UN-Habitat’s MetroHUB, the University of Guadalajara, Politecnico di Milano, MTPA, GIZ and FGV-Eaesp – encourages its members to organize a day for local leaders to meet up with all metropolitan peers within their territory in order to discuss pressing issues that they face as a metropolitan community.
The Metropolitan Day campaign seeks, therefore to raise awareness about the importance of improving metropolitan governance processes worlwide.
Hosting cities shall invite their neighboring peers to an event taking place on any date between 1 and 7 October 2018, at which the discussions should be related to the coordination of the multiple stakeholders acting on the respective metropolitan territory, in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
Metropolis members interested in hosting a Metropolitan Day event should contact Ms. Hélène Jourdan at the Secretariat General.
For more information about the partners of the Metropolitan Day campaign, click here.