Metropolises facing the pandemic
The World Metropolitan Day 2020 campaign culminates in a virtual event co-hosted by Metropolis and UN-Habitat when representatives from local governments and institutions will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas between diverse stakeholders of metropolitan governance. Most importantly, this will be a space to understand common challenges that metropolises around the world are facing in this period and identifying opportunities for overcoming them.
The event:
Aiming to stimulate dialogue between diverse stakeholders of metropolitan governance, this event will be guided by a set of questions focused on 3 different topics, namely: metropolitan governance and COVID-19; urban violence in metropolitan spaces; and metropolitan participatory democracy, all of them under the COVID-19 emergency lens. The three different panels will shape the World Metropolitan Day 2020 Virtual Event:
Framing metropolitan governance: institutional solutions, decision-making and collective action
Metropolitan inequalities: urban conflicts and socio-spatial solutions
Democracy for all: citizens’ participation at the metropolitan scale
Each of these moments will provide a space of discussion to 2-3 speakers for around half an hour. Considerations from the public, and from governments and institutions that previously held an event in the framework of World Metropolitan Day 2020, will be collected in the chat and will serve as a starting point for a final debate among speakers.
Metropolis and UN-Habitat's virtual event "Metropolises facing the pandemic: a worldwide commemoration" is open to anyone and completely free.
Date: October 7, 2020, at 15:30 (CET)
Languages: simultaneous translation will be available to English, Spanish and French.
All people interested in participating are invited to register here*.
You will find the concept note by clicking here.
*Only registered persons will have access to the virtual dialogue link