Metropolis Policy Debate: "Metropolis in 2023"

This Policy Debate intends to caucus a wide variety of political perspectives to point out the main strategies and actions for the next mandate that will be included in the Action Plan 2021-2023 to be approved by the General Assembly of Members.

The Board of Directors is called upon to provide their political insights concerning the future of Metropolis. This debate is part of a participation process initiated in November 2019 with our StrategicMeeting, which brought together representatives of our members, partners, and other collaborators.

The results of the participatory process will serve to shape the contents of the Metropolis Action Plan 2021-2023, to be approved of by the next General Assembly. The document will determine both the strategic and operational lines of action for Metropolis in the next mandate.

This event will be conducted online.

For more information, kindly contact Ms Teresa Oliver of the Secretariat General: