Global Taskforce consultation on UN75

Guiding questions of the consultation 

It is expected from the consultation to connect its contributions to the three chapters of the Visioning Report.  


Part 1 - The current trends and challenges in 2020

1. What is our role in delivering the global agreements?

2. What are the three key defining traits of the current international system?

3. Is it up to local and regional governments, together with member states, to deliver the global agreements?


Part 2 - The world we expect in 2045

1. How have the current trends changed by the year 2045?

2. Are Local and Regional Governments seeing and imagining themselves as the spaces in which transformation is taking place?

3. What governance do we need for our interconnected future?


Part 3 - The structural shift that we expect to see

1. What is the new model of governance that has allowed us to achieve the localization of the goals that we committed to?

2. How do we imagine our place in this renewed UN System?

3. What are the tools set in place for us to carry out our role in the new system?



The consultation should take no more than 120 minutes, and be divided into three above aspects, coinciding with the chapters of the Report. 



The consultation will gather the networks and partners of the Global Taskforce (practicionners and technicians level) 



15:00-15:10 Update by UCLG World Secretariat 

15:10-15:40 GTF members and partners inputs to part I

15:40-16:10 GTF members and partners inputs to part II

16:10-16:40  GTF members and partners inputs to part III

16:40-17:00 Wrap-up and next steps