Global State of Metropolis - Experts Group Meeting #3
UN-Habitat is preparing the Global State of Metropolis Report five years after the adoption of the New Urban Agenda, to take stock of the new metropolitan realities around the world, and to offer new tools, inspiring practices, and approaches to address the major challenges of governance, planning, policy, legislation, and finance in world’s metropolises and regions.
Hosted by the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), this Experts Group Meeting (EGM) on the Global State of Metropolis will follow the international dialogue between development actors settled in Medellín in October 2019 and continued in Abu Dhabi in February 2020, and several virtual gatherings during 2021, to propose and define conceptual approaches, methodologies, contents, case studies and inspiring experiences for structuring a global report on metropolitan management and development.
Purposes of the meeting:
- Present the key facts, figures, and metropolitan trends distilled from the Global Database of Metropolises, zooming on the European chapter.
- Discuss and validate the results of several case studies in European metropolises from the Global Sample of Metropolises.
- Agreed and conclude on the European metropolitan reality as basis for the European chapter of the Global State of Metropolis Report.
This EGM features a session open to the general public on 5 April, from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. For further information, please visit the AMB website.