Global State of Metropolis 2020 - Experts Group Meeting #1
UN-Habitat will prepare a Global State of Metropolis Report five years after the Montreal Declaration, in order to take stock of the new metropolitan reality around the world, and to address the major challenges of metropolitan management and development in terms of policy formulation, governance, planning and financing of urban development. With this project, UN-Habitat will strength the knowledge and research on metropolitan subjects as well as the cooperation for sustainable metropolitan development through existing and new platforms as stablished in the paragraph 41 of Montreal Declaration.
The Experts Group Meeting on the Global State of Metropolis will set an international dialogue between development actors to propose and define conceptual approaches, methodologies, contents, case studies and inspiring experiences for structuring a global report of metropolitan areas. The first EGM of the Global State of Metropolis will be held in Medellín because the Metropolitan Area of Valle de Aburrá (AMVA) has been a key player in the promotion of supramunicipal management as a formula for balanced territorial development. Its work at the local Colombian level has been widely recognized internationally and in recent years has been taken as an example to transfer lessons learned and good practices.
EGM Purposes
- To interchange on existing conceptual approaches for the analysis of metropolitan development, as well as methodologies for territorial management from the supramunicipal scales
- To define a metropolis sample for the case studies that will be included within the Global Report.
- To identify a group of inspiring experiences to systematize.
- To propose the structure and outline for the Global Report.
- To define a route for the preparation process of the Global report.