Engendering metropolitan spaces in the context of Global Agendas · launch of the Metropolis Observatory issue paper #4
“Engendering metropolitan spaces in the context of Global Agendas”
Metropolis affirms the need for developing and strengthening gender equality measures, processes and policies in order to build cities which take into account all voices and experiences. It is clear that the previous will be only achieved if gender equality plays a key role in the metropolitan agenda. Engendering metropolitan strategies, policies and spaces is a means for social transformation and for fairer and more inclusive societies.
Taking the Metropolis gender strategy into account, next 25th June we will organise a launch session of the Issue Paper #4 of the Metropolis Observatory, with the support of Brussels Capital Region, and that will bring together local elected representatives, practitioners and experts to discuss how to:
- Place gender equality within the metropolitan agenda as an overall strategy to build models of governance which are plural and inclusive.
- Make the right connections with gender issues arising from global agendas having an impact at the local level.
and to:
- Identify the challenges and opportunities in relation to engendering metropolitan visions and strategies.
The session wil be held in French, English, Spanish and Netherland.
The presentation will take place at room JDE51 of the European Committee of the Regions, Brussels.
Program of the session:
8:30 – 9:00 Registration and welcome coffee
9:00 to 9:15 Opening of the meeting
- Mr Jean-Luc Vanraes, Member of the Committee of the Regions, Political representative of Brussels Government
- Ms Laura Pérez, Councillor of International Relations and Feminisms of the Barcelona City Council & President of Metropolis Women
9:15 – 9:45 Presentation of the Issue Paper # 4
- Context set by Ms Maria Peix, Head of International Cooperation Service of AMB [5']
- Presentation of the document by Ms Ana Falú, Coordinator, Gender Hub, UN-Habitat [20']
- Questions [5']
9:45 – 10:15 Dialogue
- Ms Laura Pérez, Councillor of International Relations and Feminisms of the Barcelona City Council & President of Metropolis Women
- Ms Ana Falú, Coordinator, Gender Hub, UN-Habitat
10:15 - 11:30 Case studies round table
- Ms Marta Cruells, Advisor to the Department of Feminisms and LGBTI, Barcelona City Council [15']
- Ms Manal Al Abdallat, Manager at the Greater Amman Municipality [15']
- Mr Frédérik Depoortere, Manager Mobility, Brussels Mobility, Brussels Capital-Region [15']
- Ms María Avas, Gender referent in the areas of planning, urban development and mobility, Municipality of Montevideo [15']
- Debate and questions [15']
11: 30 to 12:00 Coffee-break
12:00 – 13:15 Expert round table
- Ms Laura Lima, Gender/Urban expert, Cities Alliance [15']
- Ms Lucile Biarrotte, PhD in urban planning at the Lab'Urba, Université Paris-Est, collaborating with "Genre et Ville"[15’]
- Ms Halliki Voolma, European Commission, DG Justice, Unit D2 - Gender Equality [15']
- Ms Soon-Young Yoon, Chair of the Board, Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), UN representative for the International Alliance of Women [15’]
- Debate and questions [15']
13:13 – 13:30 Closing and conclusions of the session
- Ms Bianca Debaets, State Secretary of the Brussels-Capital Region
- Mr Octavi De la Varga, Secretary General, Metropolis
13:30 – 15:00 Lunch for all those attending the debate day (walking lunch in order to follow the debate)
You can read the concept note of the event and the information on logistics.
For further information about the event, please contact:
- Mr Eugeni Villalbi, Project Officer for the Metropolis Observatory
- Ms Silvia Llorente, Project Officer for Metropolis Women:
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