Encuentro Internacional Hábitat III+2
With the support of UN Habitat, the municipality of Quito presents itself as a city laboratory for the implementation of New Urban Agenda in the region. Quito will be one of the 13 cities in the world commemorating Metropolitan Day to discuss the challenges of governance in metropolitan territories.
During the three days, an agenda will be developed coordinated by the International Relations Directorate of the Municipality of Quito with the support of UCCI (Union of Iberoamerican Capital Cities) and the Municipality of Madrid; FAMSI (Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity); UCLG and other international allies.
Forums and Conversations
During the meeting, the Quito Metro will be discussed as a success case; the Quito Decide Platform will also be presented; there will be a discussion on Sustainable and Climate Resilient Territories; there will be a forum on Urban Planning oriented towards transport and sustainable mobility; and another on Gender Violence and Intersectionalities, Gender and Heritage.
There will also be a presentation of the pilot project on Food Security in Local Governments; the Quito Vision Book 2040 will be launched; and the Plan for the Preservation and Beautification of the Historic Centre of Quito will be presented. The strategy of Quito's food system will be discussed; the management of an integrated transport system will be discussed; and the forum Cultura Metro will be held.
Permanent exhibitions
The Eugenio Espejo Convention Center will exhibit the projects of the My Exemplary Neighborhood contest and the fair Local Actions for a Sustainable Quito will be held. The interactive platform Quito Decide; Visión Quito 2040 will be presented. The finalists and winners of the first prize of the graphic novel Ciudades Iberoamericanas will be known; and the photographic exhibitions Mujeres y derechos and Quito mi Patrimonio will be opened.
During the event, the Quito Plaza Mayor de la Cultura Iberoamericana award, granted by UCCI, will be presented to the Ecuadorian capital.
You can consult the programme (in Spanish) by clicking on here
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