Crossing Boundaries in commemoration of World Day Metropolitan
The theme of World Metropolitan Day 2022 is "Crossing Boundaries." At first, it appeals to the essence of metropolitan governance, in collaborating across administrative boundaries to better serve the people. It also means removing social and physical and physical obstacles, including national borders, that divide the urban and metropolitan fabric.
All of the above is relevant when we talk about declining quality of life due to increasing poverty and inequalities, inflation and lack of access to affordable housing and adequate support in our care systems. At a time when our societies seem to be growing further apart and our daily lives are being disrupted by the consequences of the climate, water, energy and food crises.
This webinar seeks to promote a space for the exchange of experiences and best practices in fauna, flora and/or biodiversity management and to understand how different cities, metropolises and metropolitan areas face current challenges.
When? 7 October at 9:00 am in Colombia
Where? Online:
Organised by Valle de Aburrá