CASA SEAT Digital Meetings - "The new Mobility"

CASA SEAT, the company's new multidisciplinary space in the heart of Barcelona, resumes its digital programming during the month of June with a calendar of virtual activities in which the mobility and social challenges of the future will take centre stage. Through its digital agenda, CASA SEAT will invite citizens to discover the type of content that the physical space will offer after its opening, as well as to initiate debates and meetings to propose solutions to the challenges of tomorrow.

On 18 June 2020, it will be the turn of Rosa Alarcón, head of Mobility at Barcelona City Council, who will chat with Octavi de la Varga, Secretary General of the world association of cities, Metropolis. This digital meeting will allow attendees to learn first-hand about the political, social and business challenges facing Barcelona and what responses will be offered in terms of public transport and new mobility models.