Beyond the Metropolis - 55th ISOCARP World Planning Congress
With urbanization continuing at pace and a globalizing economy, metropolitan areas are morphing into megacities. How does scale become power and define new global roles for megacities? What can urban planning and development strategies do to promote liveability, well-being, sustainability, innovation and responsive governance for their dwellers? Come to Jakarta, one of the largest and fastest sinking cities in the world, to explore contemporary challenges that megacities face and solutions that work on the ground.
Join us at the plenaries and discover your global community of urban professionals in the tracks.
Track 1: LIMITLESS CITIES and urban futures: planning for scale
Track 2: BESIDES THE MEGACITY and other cities: planning for balance
Track 3: LIVEABLE PLACES and healthy cities: planning for people
Track 4: KNOWLEDGE ECONOMIES and identity: planning for culture
Track 5: SMART FUTURES and sustainability: planning for innovation
Track 6: CHANGING ENVIRONMENT and risk: planning for resilience
Track 7: URBAN GOVERNANCE and planning profession: planning for future