5th South Asian Cities Summit
With the objective of building better urban future, All India Institute of Local Self Government (AIILSG) is forum where city mayors along with senior officials from municipal corporations from around the world can share their knowledge and learn from the experiences of each other, contribute their bit in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and join hands together to build a better urban future for coming generations.
Realizing this potential with a holistic view in providing sustainable & livable solutions for cities, All India Institute of Local Self-Government, and United Cities and Local Governments-Asia Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC) along with other National & International organizations are organizing the 5th South Asian Cities Summit in March 2020 in Goa, India.
The conference will convene a high‐profile gathering of national, international, state and local government officials, utilities, policymakers, financiers, technologists, non-profit organisations, business leaders, academicians, researchers and community organizations – all with a common focus on implementing and monitoring strategies at the local level for achieving global, national and sub-national sustainable development targets.
For more information about the event, you can read the event's brochure or visit its official website: