5th Edition of Tehran Golden Adobe Global Award
Tehran Golden Adobe Global Award is an innovative urban management initiative that was established by Municipality of Tehran and has been held annually since 31 October 2014 coinciding with World Cities Day. This world prominent event has been supported by leading international and professional urban organizations such as UN-Habitat, Asian Mayors Forum and ISOCARP; and a large number of mayors, high ranking local and urban officials, outstanding scholars, and representatives of the professional institutions have had active participation in it.
The Award has targeted promoting livability of cities and citizens' quality of life, expanding the international communication and interaction, improving the capabilities in the field of urban infrastructures and introducing and utilizing the experiences on the implementation of better projects and practices in our cities. It is expected that this event will lead to good participation in major urban projects and effective exchange of information and know-how.
You can read here the publication of the Tehran Golden Adobe Global Award
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