The 4 th Smart Tehran Congress 2021
The 4 th Smart Tehran Congress 2021 will take place virtually on 5 th and 6th of July. The event is organized by Smart Tehran Center (STC) powered by Tehran Municipality ICT Organization (TMICTO). It is one of the largest events in the field of smart city, innovation, and digital transformation in Iran and the region. This year, as we have stepped into the “new normal of daily life” because of the COVID-19 outbreak, we are organizing the virtual event. The event's main theme is “Digital Transformation, Digital Services” and how challenging times such as the COVID-19 outbreak can accelerate the digital transformation. So, different parts of it such as keynotes, webinars, panels, and workshops will cover the issues of smart cities in this era and beyond. So, we cordially invite you to our event and also, it is an honor and privilege to have you as a keynote speaker for opening remarks. It should be noted that it is possible for speakers to participate the event online or offline. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information regarding the above or confirm your attendance by email to at your earliest convenience and visit this link to gather more knowledge about the event.
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